Strategic Guidance. Unbiased Advice. Independent Solutions.


Strategic guidance. Unbiased advice. Independent Solutions.

What We Do

CMPAS affords municipal members opportunities to participate in joint-action projects that will enable them to sustain the competitive operation of their municipal electric utilities.

Portfolio Development

Resource Planning | Load Forecasting | Risk Analysis | Procurement

Portfolio Management

Transmission Support | Energy Efficiency | System Services | Administration & Management

Portfolio Operations

Energy Market Scheduling | Market Analysis | Short-Term Purchases & Sales | Transmission Ownership


Central Municipal Power Agency and Services (CMPAS) serves as a municipal, consumer-owned, non-profit organization providing energy management consulting services for 19 electric utility members and affiliates in the Upper Midwest.


Central Municipal Power Agency and Services (CMPAS) serves as a municipal, consumer-owned, non-profit organization providing energy management consulting services for 19 electric utility members and affiliates in the Upper Midwest.

Our Members